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Stockholm Culture Night: 'Koreanskt Natt: Experience Culture, Dive into Korea!' on April 26th

17.03.2025 | 109 Hit

Our Koreanskt Kulturcenter is participating in the 2025 Stockholm Culture Night, hosted by the City of Stockholm, on April 26, 2025.

We will be presenting our own program titled 'Koreansk Natt: Experience Culture, Dive into Korea!' as detailed below. We kindly invite your interest and participation.

The program will consist of a total of 16 events, some of which require advance registration.

Detailed information about the programs, including the floor-by-floor schedule and registration instructions, will be provided through our website and social media on March 18th. We appreciate your attention and look forward to your participation.

ㅇ Date / Time : Saturday, April 26, 2025  / 18-24

ㅇ Location : Koreanskt Kulturcenter (Kungsholmsgatan 23, 112 27 Stockholm)

ㅇ Program detail and pre-reservation open : 3.18.(Tue) via out website and social midea

ㅇ Admission: FREE for all programs