About Us


  • About Us
  • Welcoming Message

Dear visitors,

It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the Korean Cultural Center in Sweden.

Opened in 2023 in Stockholm, the hub of Scandinavia, our cultural center is the first Korean cultural center in Northern European countries.

As the hometown of Pippi Longstocking, Sweden not only represents children's literature but is also known as the country with the highest reading rate globally. It is also a gathering place for artists from various fields because of its openness to diversity and sustainability. For many Korean people, Sweden is well-known for its fika culture and unique designs.

Sweden and Korea are geographically far apart, but their interest in each other's culture is growing. Our cultural center intends to introduce various aspects of Korean culture and art here in Sweden. All visitors are welcome to experience exhibitions, performances, cultural classes, and art workshops.

We also focus on forming cultural exchanges between the two countries. As an open cultural place, we aim to become a platform where people can share feelings and opinions, actively communicate and interact.

I appreciate your interest and encourage you to share your suggestions and ideas.

Thank you very much.

Tack så mycket.

Director of Korean Cultural Center Sweden

LEE Kyoungjae