Korea Information


  • Korea Information
  • Constitution and Government
  • Independent Organizations
Besides the Executive, Legislature, and Judiciary of the government, a number of other agencies carry out their respective independent functions. For example, the Constitutional Court of Korea has the power to review the constitutionality of legislation, give final decisions on impeachments, and make judgments on the dissolution of political parties.

Nine Justices serve on the court. Three of the positions are appointed directly by the President. Of the remaining six positions, three are appointed by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and three elected by the National Assembly. The President of the Constitutional Court is appointed by the President with the consent of the National Assembly.

The National Election Commission an independent constitutional body, whose main tasks are managing elections for public office and affairs related to political parties and political funds. The term of office of the members of the Commission shall be six years, and they shall not join political parties, nor shall they participate in political activities. The chairman is elected from among the members.

The National Human Rights Commission of Korea (NHRCK) the independent commission intended to realize the dignity and value of human beings as sovereign individuals by protecting, advocating and promoting their fundamental human rights. The commission was launched in November 2001 to reflect the people’s earnest desire for the improvement of the country’s human rights conditions revealed during the past democratization process. It also deals with human rights violations and discriminatory acts received by foreigners residing or working in Korea.